

Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America.  The game is played in the YMCA gymnasium and utilizes a paddle and a pickleball.  The YMCA has pickleball courts for casual and competitive play.  Beginners are welcome at all times to learn the game and skills from more  experienced players.  Registration is not required for members.  Non-members may drop-in on a guest pass.

Click below for Oil City and Clarion County YMCA Gym Schedules for Open Play Pickleball

Resources | Clarion County YMCA | Healthy Spirit, Mind & Body

Schedules & Forms | Oil City YMCA | Healthy Spirit, Mind & Body

ERNE pickleball machine rental

Clarion County
8/14/24 - 12/31/25


  1. ERNE will be available for use everyday between the hours of 7-8:30 a.m. on one side of the gym during pickleball open play. This timeslot is only available on weekdays
  2. If you would like to use the ERNE at any other time there will be a rental fee of $25/hour. This rental fee will give you full access to the ERNE, pickleball net, Pickleballs, and half of the gymnasium for that one hour. Rental times must be submitted and approved ahead of time. Rentals are only allowed during daytime hours. 
  3. Renters must read and agree to ERNE terms and conditions before using machine 
  4. Before renting the ERNE you must download the ERNE app
  5. Rental forms for the ERNE will be available at the YMCA front desk

We are excited to have an ERNE Pickleball machine. 

Before using ERNE, it is suggested that you subscribe to the YouTube channel called “Victory Sports Technology”.  They have videos on how to use ERNE correctly and the ERNE App.  Please download the ERNE App before use of the machine.


Rules for Use:

Never let ERNE get wet and never use wet or dirty Pickleballs when training!

  1. To move ERNE, tilt back on the wheels when moving, do not drag!
  2. Put the handle down once you set ERNE to the position on the court.
  3. Keep the ball basket clean – don’t let dirt, paper, etc get in it.
  4. Move ERNE with no balls in the basket and put balls in the bag when finished.
  5. If something isn’t working right – please tell someone, don’t force it to work or just not tell anyone.

ERNE Sign-up Sheet during Open Gym time

You acknowledge that you are using ERNE at your own risk and you will abide by these rules.

RULES:  Never let ERNE get wet and never use wet or dirty Pickleballs.

  1. To move ERNE, tilt back on the wheels when moving, do not drag!
  2. Put the handle down once you set ERNE to the position on the court.
  3. Keep the ball basket clean – don’t let dirt, paper, etc get in it.
  4. Move ERNE with no balls in the basket and put balls in the bag when finished.
  5. If something isn’t working right, you agree to notify the YMCA. Don’t force it to work or just return ERNE.

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-MemberYouth Only Member
8/14/24 12/31/25 Online / Front Desk $ 25.00--

Available Sessions

08/14/24 - 12/31/25

Pickleball Open Play

All Locations
1/1/24 - 12/31/25

Registration is not required for members.  Individuals meet in the gym during Pickleball times.  Players are rotated in to games.  Partners are not required.

Visit https://clarioncountyymca.org/resources/ to check out the gym schedule to see available playing times!

Registration Information  

Open Close Register At MemberNon-MemberYouth Only Member
1/1/23 12/31/25 Online / Front Desk $ 0.00$ 5.00-

Available Sessions

Date(s) Spots
01/01/24 - 12/31/25
516 / 600 Available Register